Equipment Rentals
10’ Haybuster No-Till Drill or 6′ Great Plains No -Till Drill
The rental charge is $15/Acre with a $225/per day minimum (24 hours) (i.e. 5 days = 75 Acre minimum). Customer will be charged for whichever figure is greater.
*Must use 65 horsepower tractor or larger for 10′ drill.* Operating Haybuster Drill
*Must use 40 horsepower tractor or larger for 6′ drill.* Operating Great Plains Drill
Fertilizer Pull Buggy
Ground Driven. $45/load. Holds up to 4-ton. *Bring your own tarp to cover a 4-ton load.*
Lime Pull Buggy
PTO Driven. $75/load. Holds up to 5-ton.
300 Gallon Sprayer
$75/day. Must have PTO hook-ups. {CANNOT use ROUND UP in sprayer.}
Herd Seeder – 2 available – 1 rack mount
$20/day — For Clover Seed Only
Payout Spinner
Field Fence Stretcher
Stafix Fence Compass
Soil Test Probe
$20 refundable deposit if returned within 5 days
*All prices are subject to change without notice.*
*Day is defined as 24 hours (8am to 8am. No matter the time you pick up, equipment is still due back at 8am the next day.)*