News — Forage Maintenance

CAUTION! Fall Johnson Grass Grazing & Cutting

CAUTION!  Fall Johnson Grass Grazing & Cutting

Precautions to Take Before Grazing and Cutting Johnson Grass Hay in the Fall Johnson grass (Sorghum halepense) is a highly productive forage, often used for hay and grazing. However, it requires careful management in the fall due to potential toxicity risks that can endanger livestock. To ensure safety and maximize the forage value, here are essential precautions to follow before grazing or cutting Johnson grass hay in the fall. Beware of Prussic Acid (Cyanide) Poisoning Johnson grass contains compounds that can release prussic acid (hydrocyanic acid) under certain conditions. This toxin can be lethal to livestock, especially after events such...

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Forage Maintenance in Northeast Georgia: July & August Highlights

Forage Maintenance in Northeast Georgia:  July & August Highlights
Proper forage maintenance in Northeast Georgia during July and August involves a combination of RAIN, herbicide application, pest monitoring, and timely nitrogen supplementation. 

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