Required Training for Dicamba usage

If you plan to use Dicamba on soybeans, there is required training this year.  There will be ONE class in North Georgia. 

Info as published by UGA Extension: 

1.  As mandated by federal labels, one must hold a private or commercial pesticide applicator license to purchase and use the restricted use herbicides Engenia, XtendiMax, and Tavium.  Use is limited to ONLY those persons holding a private or commercial applicator certification.  It is no longer permissible for non-certified applicators to apply these products under the direct supervision of the certified applicator.  

2.  Prior to applying these products in 2024, ALL applicators must be trained according to the federal labels.  In Georgia, applicators must complete the 2024 UPW classroom training with locations provided below.  On-line trainings WILL NOT be available. 

3.  Those needing pesticide credit but not applying Engenia, Xtendimax, or Tavium are welcome to attend.  

4.  Bring your pesticide license; 2 hours of pesticide credit for private or commercial will be offered.  

5.  The meeting will last about 1.5 hours; NO beverages or meals will be provided. 

6.  Attendee's names will be placed on a list posted to the Georgia Department of Agriculture's auxin website at 

Please contact GDA Ag Inputs Division at 404.656.4958 or for more information.   

Class will be .... Thursday, March 21 @ 10AM in Madison County @ Jackson EMC, 85 Spratlin Mill Rd, Hull, GA  30646   Phone: 706.384.4476 (100 max) 

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